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  • clairemorris330


In 2018, wedding dress designer, Pnina Tornai, released her LOVE collection. On her website, Pnina provides an introduction to this line. In said introduction she states:

"LOVE is a magical energy that makes us understand that we have been chosen and therefore we are worthy."

The wedding industry would not exist without people falling in love, which is one of the reasons this quote really resonates with me. I, quite literally, owe my future career to a single emotion: love.

Additionally, I think that her words really speak to me because I love love. Yes, it sounds cheesy, but would you want someone planning your wedding who doesn't love love? I didn't think so!

I think that everyone should look at love as a "magical energy". This, in no way, has to be exclusive to romantic relationships. If we all looked at love as a "magical energy" such as Pnina suggests, I believe that the world would be a much better place. I feel like all too often love is looked at as an obligation, and it is time to change that. We must celebrate love in all facets.

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