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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words - An Interview with Heather J Photography

Have you ever wanted to get a look at the wedding industry through the ~lens~ of a wedding photographer? (No pun intended) Lucky for you, I've gotten to know a pretty great one, so great in fact, that AJ and I chose her to photograph our big day. I got to pick Heather's brain a bit about wedding planning and photography... we hope you enjoy!

Photo credits: Stepanie Kase... Check her out!

Instagram: @stephanielynnkase

Want to hear more from Heather? Check her out!

Instagram: @heatherjphotographyllc


C: "When did you start your business?"

H: "I started my photography business in February 2017. I was working as a medical biller coder at the time and did both til August 2020 where I decided to go full time with photography."

C: "When did you know that you wanted photography to be your career?"

H: "When I wanted to know I wanted photography to be my career it was about June of 2020. I did a photography conference (The Graceful Gathering) in Cleveland that month and one of the topics was going full time. Serving my couples was very important to me, but I also needed to be profitable if I was able to do it full time. So going to this conference and highlighting that topic was really eye opening for me."

C: "What is your favorite part about being in the wedding industry?"

H: "My favorite part about being in the wedding industry is getting to serve with my whole heart to make the wedding photography experience a breeze and even helping where I can even outside of photography. And getting to work with some amazing friendors (vendors that are friends) is just so much more fun. The wedding industry is one of the best communities I have ever been in."

C: "Did you learn anything through planning your own wedding that you have carried over to your professional life?"

H: "I did learn a bit while planning my own wedding that carried over and that was tweaking a timeline and probably should have had a day of coordinator. It probably would have made the guests experience a little better than having them take their own chair into the reception space. I didn’t have a stressful day at all, cause I am a more go with the flow type person with some structure. Timeline planning went great cause I used the exact timeline I used for helping my couples. But I will say that I did wish we had more time with my guests. I had everything planned out, but I didn’t have my watch on me so I couldn’t plan out how much time I had with guests. So the planner would have been so much nicer to have."

C: "What was your favorite part of planning your own wedding?"

H: "To be honest my favorite part of planning my own wedding was seeing everything come together. All the months planning and organizing all come together and ever so beautiful was so rewarding and my favorite part."

C: "What is a piece of advice you can give someone planning their wedding?"

H: "I say get yourself a planner. Whether it be for full planning, month of, or day of someone to keep things in running order and to coordinate with vendors as the day unfolds. That way you can fully enjoy your wedding and every aspect of it. There is so much more that the planner does than what I just mentioned, so I say it’s so worth it!"


See you next week for another installment of C's Champagne Corner!

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